sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

My comment

Well, from this course I have learnt lots of things. For example working by teams or under pressure. I like my english classes because since the beginning, I said that I would like to make some friends and I got it. Here I met new people, that has become very important.

As well, I would like to improve my performance, my vocabulary, my accent and many things. So from now on, Im going to read more, watch the movies or programs without subtitles and maybe Im gonna look for a foreign friend to practice my english. As we now its very important to know a new language, not only because if I don't speak well, I fail. My parents have been always telling me, that its my future, and I depend on that.

My email

As you know communication has been changing during the last years. Now we don't send cards or postals, everything is sent by the internet.
So on this activity my teacher made me write an email to a friend that lives on another country. I was simulating being a swedish girl. It was incredible because I didn't know anything about Sweden, so while I was investigating I discovered many things that I didn't know. The culture and the sights are incredible and stunning. I hope one day I can visit this awesome place.
One thing on what I can improve is knowing more vocabulary. So I have been thinking that it would be perfect and necessary to watch all movies without subtitules and maybe reading more in english.
I think that from this activity I have learnt to work under pressure and as I said before, I discovered a new country.

Here is my email and Sweden, check it out and discover a new world  !!!!!!!!

Hi Vianey,
Well I think that it would be perfect if I introduce myself. My name is Mariana and I'm 16 years old, but everybody say that I look older! I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I only live with my parents in Sweden.
Actually I love my c
ountry. It's absolutely amazing and full of awesome and incredible sights.
If you come to visit me, we could visit Stockholm, the capital. Also we could go to Gothenburg, which is famous for their canals, Avenyn street and Liseberg rides.

Also I would like to introduce you to my friends, they are nice and the most kind people. We could join together and maybe we Could go shopping to the mall, or assist to parties and make a lot of activities here.

I would really like to meet you and Know all about you. Your likes, dislikes, hobbies and your interests.

Hope we can join together and became good friends.
It would be perfect to Keep in touch with you.

On this activity Vianey and I made a meme of Patric Star, but using gerunds and infinitives.
Maybe we weren't so creative enough, because I think that most of my companions made a meme of school. So I would improve my creativity. 
From this activity I learnt to work on a team. Both of us contributed and gave ideas of what we were going to do. And well working on teams will help you wherever you are, because that boost you to improve your performance, as well as your person.
I have been feeling really good, working with my teachers and classmates. I have learnt to work as a team, and also I have met new people and discover new views of point.


Hi! In this activity my friend and I made an infographic about security. We compared how was Mexico twenty years ago, and how it is now.
I think that we didn't write enough information about the situation, so I would improve that. Maybe I would write about more cases or paste some statistics.
Honestly I loved this activity because we investigated and learnt for example how my mother lived when she was a kid, and also we compared how my childhood was. As well, we used our creativity to show what we wanted to express.
I felt good making this type of activities because I discovered new things that I didn't know.

Here is the link, where you can check out this interesting infographic!!!


Hey guys! Well,  I made my own presentation. Here is my general information, my likes, dislikes, hobbies and lots of things about me.
As I was watching this video, I saw that I made some mistakes at the time of speaking with gerunds and infinitives.
Maybe I would like to improve my vocabulary and not be so shy when Im speaking.
Making this activity helped me to express myself and identified new mistakes that I can erase and learn from them.
I also think that this English course is helping me to improve and to discover new things that will help me in the future.
